Major domains of Earth 6th GEO CH-5


Our major domains of the earth are 

LITHOSPHERE - Solid portion of Earth (i.e) Land

ATMOSPHERE - Gaseous layers of the Earth

HYDROSPHERE - Water, ice, Glacier, water vapour in the Earth

Biosphere is the narrow zone where we find land, water and air together, which contains all forms of life.



  • The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean. It is spread over one-third of the earth. 
  • Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the earth, lies in the Pacific Ocean. 
  • The Pacific Ocean is almost circular in shape. 
  • Asia, Australia, North and South Americas surround it. Look at the map

  • The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest Ocean in the world. 
  • It is ‘S’ shaped. It is flanked by the North and South Americans on the western side, and Europe and Africa on the eastern side. 
  • The coastline of Atlantic Ocean is highly indented. 
  • This irregular and indented coastline provides ideal location for natural harbours and ports. 
  • From the point of view of commerce, it is the Busiest Ocean

  • The Indian Ocean is the only ocean named after a country, that is, India. 
  • The shape of ocean is almost triangular. In the north, it is bound by Asia, in the west by Africa and in the east by Australia.

  • The Southern Ocean encircles the continent of Antarctica and extends northward to 60 degrees south latitude.

The Arctic Ocean is located within the Arctic Circle and surrounds the North Pole


  • The atmosphere extends up to a height of about 1,600 kilometres. 
  • The atmosphere is divided into five layers based on composition, temperature and other properties. 
  • These layers starting from earth’s surface are called the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere and the exosphere.

  • The density of the atmosphere varies with height.
  • It is maximum at the sea level and decreases rapidly as we go up.
  • The temperature also decreases as we go upwards.
  • Air moves from high pressure to low pressure. Moving air is known as wind.


  • The Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between the land, water and air. 
  • It is in this zone that life, which is unique to this planet, exists.
  • All living organisms including humans are linked to each other and to the biosphere for survival.
  • The organisms in the biosphere may broadly be divided into the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom
  • The three domains of the earth interact with each other and affect each other in some way or the other.
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